Wednesday, July 27

Oh Jess:)

Oh jess,
she is so cute!!! i honestly don't know what i would do without her.
she always makes me laugh, she dose the craziest things. like she gets up
and dances on my  kitchen island when a good song comes on.she is always
there for me i know, i can tell her anything. we always think of somthing crazy
to do when we are together like cakes and indoor slip and slides ;). i am so glad
we are still best even though we go to rival schools! i hope nothing will tear us apart
 we have made it through lots already i know we can stay friends till the end:) love

cake b f f s

K, So me and dev..
B f f's.
So we have this thing..
Baking Cakes.
Too Bad we arent that good..
Even though our decorating ideas are the c u t e s t.
Good thing we have a positive out look on it all..

And everytime we mess up.. it turns into a good laugh.  

Just a tid-bit about my good ol' pal Dev.
Today was so fun! I am sure glad she is back from Kentucky!
She is the loyalest friend ever...
p.s. I think I cry from laughter everytime at her house..
Her home is my home away from home..
We do the craziest things ever!!
The list could go on foreverrrr. I hope our friendship does!

Our creations...

Friday, July 22

cheerific cheer camp!

So this is what I have been looking forward to all sum!
Cheer camp at NAU 2011.
Funnest thing e v e r!
Gosh wiz. Great friends there and even though the dances were...
Weird.. I think I still came out as a better Cheerleader!

Probs the funnest e v e r!
My closest friends on the team are:
Juliette, Abi, Brooke, Sarah and Taylor
(But Taylor didnt go to cheer camp)
They are soso funny! Really good Cheerleaders!
I am sups glad I went!!

Fortune cookies come true...
I got this the day before camp..
and Boy was it T R U E!

Abi was my roomate and we had the Cutest door there.

But we were worked hard and didnt sleep much..
it was a 3 day sleepover.. who did sleep?

we learned tons of dances, chants and new techniques.
We all became better cheerleaders!
Ready for Jv next year!

It was probs the most fun..
Because these girls are so H I L A R!
when ever we stopped laughing..
we were sleeping or eating.
All day and night was a party!
We had the most fun we could!

Soso Glad I went.. Love these girls! Cant wait for a fun year ahead! xoxo

Friday, July 8

Summer So Far

Lately, I have..

Gone up to Mormon Lake
to visit my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin.
It was the fourth of July that weekend and we celebrated it like we usually do, with a small town parade.
It is one of my Favorite things! I love how everyone in town takes part in it,
Or is on the sides watching and picking up candy!
We had 3 parties we went to! Fun Fun Fun!
and I went up in a Fire Look-out tour that so high that you could see the whole land,
Its scary to go up in because its like 8 flights of stairs and one of them does have
the boards to step on, because they dont want people going up there!

Became a Pet sitter.
Worst decision ever!!! I have to sit for this H U G E bird and 2 fish.
I am afraid of birds. and this one is extra creepy?
I rode my bike to their house, which is 2 miles away, and on the way.. I got a flat tire!
Plus.. I had the hardest time feeding the bird..

This is one of my favorite jobs, but yesterday I was just a little worn out.
The kids were C R A Z Y!
From Wii down stairs in the basement, to Hair Make overs by a 5 year old.
plus the littlest one (6 months old?) threw up on me.. 3 times!!
oh and the whole time, I was asked "can we go swimming nakedddd?"
I had 4 kids to baby sit for from 4:30 to 9:45
and I made $80!!!
That made my day turn around real quick!

Tamara turns 23!! Gosh.. She is Y O U N G,
but she is very mature for her age.. VERY.
We are having a swim party, with just our family,
and home made Ice creammm!
Happy Birthday to the coolest sister in law ever!!

My pet job will finally be over. and by then I will probably
Promise my self to never get a bird! EVER!
and did I mention all of this hard work,
of conquering my fear of birds for a week!
and feeding the fish, getting her mail, watering her plants,
and Vaccumming under the cage every other day...
only equals up to $30.

I finally leave for cheer camp. I am sosososososo excited!
Trust me, I will blog about it! cant waiiiiit!

Monday, June 20

Summer Lately..

Summer has been like a long weekend! I am waiting for the fun to really start happening!!
My latest things keeping me interested are...

Toree, My BFF
She is a hoot! My favorite thing about her is her energy!
I think I ask for hugs and kisses too much, but she is
adorable, its hard to resist!

Bachelorette Mondays!!

Its an interesting season! Keeps me waiting for Mondays! :)

Tuesdays and Thursdays I also have cheer... at 5:30 IN THE MORNING!!
So I am keeping fit too!
Hopefully the weeks to come will be fun!

Friday, June 3

Fans For Feathers

Feathers are a big hit here in arizona,
Devin and I would be nuts if we didn't have them as well!
I've had mine since spring break.. But Devin Just got hers yesterday!
They are in everyone's hair! Just look around. Its nuts!
After Devin got her feathers we hung out at the mall!
We had to look at Forever 21 to see if they had any hot summer outfits!
And we managed to get away with an item or two..
But the most embarrassing thing happened!
I had a gift card to Borders, But by my careless mistake, I thought it was to Barnes & Noble!
So we spent a great deal of time wandering around the store and right when we got up to the cash register line, I noticed I had the wrong gift card! Fortunetly, we put everything back and scurried out before the real embarrassement would have set in if the cashier would have noticed!

Wednesday, June 1

Tuesday Spa Nights

Girls go through so much to have nice skin..
Even to put Gucamole on their face!!
So thats what we did last night..
Even Hayden pitched in..
I mean, He wants to be beautiful too!
The avocado didnt mix well..
So Hayden was singing
"I like em chunky" the whole time 
 Thank goodness for little brothers

Tuesday, May 31

Today was filled with waking up at 9!!
Tanning right away to get beautiful and brown,
Then we made a tie dye cake,
I would love to say it tasted as good as it looked..
But it didnt.
Then to wrap it up, we made a slip and slide..
you might be thinking "okay?"
But do you ever have slip and slides inside your house!?